(Realplayer required for listening.)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
This week [From Yolanda]
Hi all,
Writing this on behalf of Yolanda...
There will be no caregroup gathering for this week
as we will be meeting for the "DISTRICT MISSION NITE" this thurs...
World City.
So see you guys at 7.15pm at the BBHQ, if you guys can reach there early, Yolanda will be there at the the River Side Food Court at 6.30pm, can join her for dinner over there.
For those who dunno how to get there.
Get to Tiong Bahru MRT, and take bus 16, 195 for 3 stops.
BBHQ is right behind the bus stop, down the steps...
For those who are confuse, you can arrange to meet me at Tiong bahru to bring you there. ^_^
I won't suggest you to take 16 from Orchard MRT if you aren't familiar with that area as you might have to walk a bit.
***Also, this Saturday... the unit is organising a gym and badminton session in the afternoon. [Will update you guys soon on the details...]
So see ya all on Thursday then!!!
Meanwhile, God keep ya healthy and may He bless ya a fruitful week ahead...
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Fw: CL Huddle this Sat and Sun Morning Program
Dear all,
Please take note of the changes on Sunday.
This Sunday morning schedule will then be as below:
8.30am - Pre Service Prayer Meeting
9.15am - Prayer in unit/sub d (Penang Park)
10.10am - Presentation of a new ministry timetable to core team members
(Penang Park or a better place?)
Afternoon program will be according to the original schedule
The following week will be September where we should be starting with our new ministry schedule already.
Let us keep pushing the frontiers of the Kingdom forward! Never, never, never give up for the gates of Hell shall not prevail over the ministry of a biblical Church.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
SUPER Family Day!!! :)
Dear brothers n sisters ,

on 13/8, we have witnessed the fruit of the hard work of the many many volunteers whom have pooled their time and resources together to put up the Super Family Day 2006.
Team CARE will like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for making the event such a success!!!
We are happy and proud to announce that we have managed to raise a total of $4379 from the sales of the coupons :)
Many thanks to all the stall reps that took ownership of their stalls and spend so much time planning, coordinating, going for meetings and finally putting the stalls together!!
Many thanks to all the helpers that set aside their precious Sunday to help us at the stalls!
We will like to request for the stall reps to meet for a 10mins meeting on Sunday 10.45am at S11 !!
1) We will be giving out the prize to the game stalls that earn the most number of coupons
2) Collection of receipts .
3) Collection of donation cards!!!
please try your best to collect the donation cards from your caregroup members by this week!! thanks :)
All in all, we hope to raise a total of $10000 for this whole event so please try your best to urge and remind everyone who is holding on the donation card to continue asking for donations!! :)
joel oon :)
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
No service this sunday...
Hi all,
Service will be brought forward to Saturday's tertiary service @ 1730hrs.
Do remember to invite your friends to the great event on Sunday...
Here's the poster for more details...

For more information on team CARE, logon to their website @
God bless the event!!!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Hey bros and sis,
Our first ever group exercise outing for the CG!!!
This is the itinerary for 09/08/2006 MCG.
Venue: Hazel Park Condo
Meeting Point: Choa Chu Kang MRT Control Station at 0915am
(Tian han will direct the group to the place)
Sports: Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, Badminton, Gym, Swimming No Lazing!
Its a time of harvest again to advanced the Kingdom and glorify Him. So please do invite your friends and pre-believers to join us in this event. The success of this event depends on our hands and efforts, so go for the extra mile for Jesus! Kam-ba-tee!!!
He will not ignore our hardwork but will truely bless in accordance to our efforts!
***For those with basketball or soccer balls, please do bring along...
See ya on Wednesday!!!