SUPER Family Day!!! :)
Dear brothers n sisters ,

on 13/8, we have witnessed the fruit of the hard work of the many many volunteers whom have pooled their time and resources together to put up the Super Family Day 2006.
Team CARE will like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for making the event such a success!!!
We are happy and proud to announce that we have managed to raise a total of $4379 from the sales of the coupons :)
Many thanks to all the stall reps that took ownership of their stalls and spend so much time planning, coordinating, going for meetings and finally putting the stalls together!!
Many thanks to all the helpers that set aside their precious Sunday to help us at the stalls!
We will like to request for the stall reps to meet for a 10mins meeting on Sunday 10.45am at S11 !!
1) We will be giving out the prize to the game stalls that earn the most number of coupons
2) Collection of receipts .
3) Collection of donation cards!!!
please try your best to collect the donation cards from your caregroup members by this week!! thanks :)
All in all, we hope to raise a total of $10000 for this whole event so please try your best to urge and remind everyone who is holding on the donation card to continue asking for donations!! :)
joel oon :)
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