CG Announcement
Dear all,
This coming CG will be at my home Friday @ 7.30pm.
CG Role:
Chairman: Yolanda
Game: Clarence / Tobias
Praise: Hui Xian
Worship: Charlie
Gutarist: Yolanda
Discussion: Weilin
Reminder: Collection of $$ for ORD chalet this Friday to Hui Xian.
There is an assignment I would like all of us to do and submit to me by this week.
As half a year has passed, I would like all of us to do an evaluation on your personal and spritual growth for this past half year.
After writing down the evaluation, I also want you to write down where you see yourself in one year time:
Spiritual growth
Personal growth
Please write as details as possible as in term of the practical steps to take to see yourself grow in these areas.
I understand, some may misunderstood that the assignement is for everyone to see. But dont worry, it is only for myself to see.

Have a blessed week ahead!
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