Dear all,
We will be meeting this Friday at Kallang Theatre for Prayer Meeting. Hallelujah!!!! Let us expect God to move in a great and mighty way as we gather together to pray and experience an awesome time of Worship !

This will be consider as our CG meeting.
As I've forgotten that I will be going for Tertiary Service this Saturday, because my company is having a staff retreat this Sunday till Tuesday at Genting, hence, we will not be having the tracts handout evangelism. However, Chiew Fang will be meeting all of us after lunch this Sunday.
Also, Weilin's mum is inviting all of us to her house this coming Saturday afternoon, as she loves our company and laughter we brought to her family the last time. She is greatly thankful and would like us to come again. The programme will be free and easy. We can bring some board games if you want or you can do your homework there and ask for advice among one another. For the timing to meet, we will confirm again this Friday.
Recently, Michael sent a statistic that shows that if one were to pray for 5 people consistently everyday to receive Christ, 2 out of the 5 people will receive Christ within one year, and the other 3 will receive Christ within the next subsequent 2 years. Therefore, we are embarking on a 'Life Note" campaign. Please list down the 5 names of the people whom you wish to reach-out to, may it be your family, best friends, etc and list down their needs also (on the list attached). Those requests that are written down will be prayed for and answered in the name of Jesus Christ and they will be SAVED!!!
Please forward the completed 'Life Note' form to Tobias by Thursday 16/11/06, as he will compile a specially designed 'Life Note' notebook for each of us.
Let us continue to anticipate great harvest and answered prayer as we get down on our knees.... Yeah!!!!!
