Experience Easter

From: Senior Pastor's Office
Subject: Experience Easter
Sent: 2006年4月3日 18:18:52
Dear Hope Church (S) family,
This weekend we begin pre-Easter services. Have you invited anyone to come with you yet?
At our Easter services in the last five years more than 1,000 people opened their lives to Christ - because YOU invited them! It's almost guaranteed that if you bring those you care about to an Easter service, they will come to know Christ.
This Easter weekend, we will be speaking on "Experience Easter." It is a message of encouragement to show how God, through Easter, gives us a chance to start over and enjoy a new relationship with him.
Who of your relatives, class-mates, and co-workers do you want to see come to Christ this Easter? People are more likely to be open to your invitation at Easter than at any regular weekend. Don't miss this once-a-year opportunity to invite them to one of our church services!
Here's how you can play you part at Easter:
1. Ask God to show you who to invite.
2. Bring a different friend to each of our services! Bring someone each day! Saturday: 12:30, 3, and 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 9, 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
3. Bring someone to our Good Friday service (Fri 7:30 pm). This is run by our Filipino team in Nexus.
4. Check out Easter for kids at http://www.hopesingapore.org.sg/hopekids/
5. Pray that hundreds will commit their lives to Christ this Easter.
6. Greet everyone around you. There will be a lot of first-time visitors. Please help them with directions.
7. PLEASE walk down the aisle with your guest as the preacher gives the altar call - so visitors feel comfortable doing it too.
We are planning great services this Easter. I am SO excited about it! The worship we've planned is incredible! Thanks for your prayers. It's going to be an amazing weekend! I love you so much and am so grateful to be your pastor.
Pastor Ben
(This letter is sent to Care Leaders and Coaches. Thanks Care Leaders for sending this to members)
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